Tuesday, March 24, 2009


have you ever realized how funny goosebumps are?
your skin just rises into little bumps and the hairs just pop up!
and when you have goosebumps, your arms always feel so delicate like they are when you're sick and it feels sore to touch them.

have you ever wondered what gooses (geese, i know) get?
if humans get goosebumps, then do gooses get humanbumps?
that would be pretty awesome...


  1. i thought you were going to write about the scary books that r. l. stine wrote. those were super creepy when i read them in the third grade.

    i have notices that chicken and turkey skin looks like that too, before you cook it. i always think that the reason is because they were so cold when they died.

  2. Goosebumps are the body's natural way to keep warm when its cold. When we get cold, our body reacts by triggering the hair follicle which makes the attached hair raise on end. When it does, it helps to trap the heat that our body is emanating, thus keeping us more warm!

  3. good thing nathan attends UW (i must credit mom for that joke)

  4. Wait. What's mom's joke about UW again? Ultra Wise?

  5. i got really scared when i read the first goosebumps book. Then the rest of them weren't very scary unitl the one about the ventriloquist dummy of doom or something like that.

    i had a nightmare where i was staring at a ventriloquist's dummy and screaming, but the louder i screamed, the more alive it became. It was pretty scary.

    Also a scary dream i had on my mission once where I was staring at a blue suitcase/stuffed chair (you know how things in dreams always change, but it doesn't seem weird?) hovering in the air above me. I was so scared of it for some reason and I was yelling at it but I yelled for real and woke myself up covered in sweat. that was weird.

    Also, I have no idea what UW is. I don't get that joke.

    Also, Bryan needs to give us a hint about his contest because i really want to win but i don't know what the answer is.

  6. I actually didn't look up on Wikipedia about goosebumps. I think I read about it in Reader's Digest or something.

  7. or maybe you learned it at that smart college of yours

    and chris, cool dream...
