Friday, April 24, 2009

stinkin dangit



  1. I was just thinking about this the other day: Soapy has blue eyes. But Anna has brown eyes. And blue eyes are a recessive trait. So shouldn't Soapy's eyes be brown? Hmm, maybe Chris has Canadian robot eyes..

  2. beep bop bope bop beep beep.
    i like to think that my genes are so strong that Soapy is an exact replica of me and doesn't have anything from Anna.
    Other than soapy is a girl.

    also, nathan, these are my shorts. I have had them for 4 years.


  3. We had a section on genetics in my biology class from 10th grade. The only way Soapy could have blue eyes is if Anna has a recessive "blue" gene. So either one of her parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and so on must have had blue eyes and passed it down.

    Those pictures of the indians with albino eyes are pretty cool. Who would want to change their purple eyes to a different color?

    Another interesting thing: on the whole website, I never saw anyone change from blue eyes to brown eyes. It was always brown to blue, or blue to turquoise. The eye color always went lighter. I wonder why that is?
