Sunday, November 7, 2010

Oh the trials of life

College is much harder than I was expecting. And by "much" I mean, it's a lot harder than I was expecting. Classes are (sometimes) interesting and the professors are pretty cool but the TESTS! Oh those tests... make the whole learning experience that much harder. And the tests aren't even that long, usually 40-100 questions, but it's simply the material and the way the teachers attempt to apply that material. So extremely difficult...
BUT as quoted in Galaxy Quest: Never give up, Never surrender.
And as quoted by someone at a devotional here: Exceed your own expectations.
I have learned that while these classes and tests may be difficult and extremely stressful, it can't last forever. I know I'll benefit from them. And I have a fantastic family and great friends who help me through them :)

quick story:
the last two weeks had been very difficult for me academic-wise. i received a letter from a friend on a mission who continued to share his even harder times he was having while out there and he shared this scripture with me that helped me tons --> Alma 7:11-13 :)

(i also recommend reading the praises of david in psalms when feeling down. they're the best!)


  1. You have some really difficult classes and a lot of hours.
    I've been impressed as I've seen you grow and learn these past couple of months. I know you will succeed and do your best. Love you lots....

  2. Good luck Ali! Remember, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger! You are always in my prayers.

  3. Ali, you are a super hero. I'm sorry you have such hard tests. I am impressed with how you are dealing with your courses. You are way more mature than I was as a freshman (maybe more than I am now...).

    Oh, but remember sometimes it is okay to surrender, like when someone has a gun pointed at your head. Sometimes it's okay then. I'm just saying. :)
