Thursday, December 11, 2008

squares and rectangles and ... squares OH MY!

- is a square a rectangle?
- is a rectangle a square?
- why/why not?

how many squares are in this conjunction? there is a prize for the winner!


  1. All squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. squares are just certain types of rectangles. And the capital of Maine is Augusta. And i counted 11 squares. Do i win?

  2. i also counted 11 squares. 12 if you count the light blue border (schmaaaaarm).
    Squares are rectangles because rectangles only need four sides and four 90 degree angles, and squares have to have all sides equal lengths.
    So that is why a rectangle isn't necessarily a square.
    And affirmative defenses cannot be brought up later in a case if you haven't pled it in your original answer. Yay for civil procedure.
    Just kidding. Boo for civil procedure.

    Also, I think I should get the prize because I am older so bryan probably learned all of his information about squares form me anyways.

  3. Hmmm. I felt this might be a trick question so I looked up square on They say it's what Bryan and Chris say but ALSO "anything having this form or a form approximating it, as a city block, rectangular piece of candy, etc." and "a rectangularly shaped area on a game board, as in chess or checkers." Because of their definitions my answer as to how many squares is: 21.

    I hope I win.

  4. Actually, since there is absolutely no indication that the lines are straight, the angles are 90 degrees, and the lengths are the same, you can not assume that any of the shapes are squares. So I say, zero. Haha. I am going to ACE the GRE.

  5. I don't really like squares. They make bad wheels. I'm more of a circle guy myself because they can roll and go on forever. Also, square candy hurts because it might have sharp corners or something.


  6. sorry chris, but bryan is the winner cause he posted first and the answer is 11!!
    i made this whole post cause david and i made a bet for $5.
    he said that rectangles can be squares. i said they can't. i still don't really know who won. hopefully me, but i'm starting to doubt myself...

  7. david won your bet. sorry. anyway, what's my prize?!?!?!
