Tuesday, November 3, 2009

oh what a night...

so last night was crazy.
i was driving to go pick up the little squash from his friends house at 11. for those of you who know virginia, i was driving down belmont ridge road (scary scary scary!!) and i seemed to be the only car/van driving. so naturally, i turned my bright lights on. so i was driving driving driving, when SUDDENLY a deer jumps out into the road! i swerved into the other lane and was soooo lucky there were no other cars around. i pulled to the side of the road to calm down a little and then saw a bicycler pull up beside me. he got off his bike and knocked at the door. i rolled down the window a crack.
"are you alright miss?" is what he asked me. i just nodded my head a started rolling the window back up. then he motioned to his bike and i glanced back and noticed he had one of those little carrier things in the back. did he want me to get in? what the heck?? so i just sped away. i finally got to the little squashes friend's house and rang the doorbell. turns out, it was the wrong house. DANG IT! so i apologized for waking this old woman up and went to find the right house. luckily, the ride home was uneventful.

then i woke up. hahahahaha that was for you, chris :)

but really, this less-interesting story is true:

on thursday we had our first choir concert! it went really great actually. afterwards some choir kids were getting together at mcdonalds to celebrate so i was heading over with my co-president in the car. the parking lot at mcdonalds was PACKED but i saw one parking space up ahead. so i pulled into it, but was at the wrong angle so was going into reverse to try and fix it. so i was going in reverse and i hear this awful sound and realized i just scraped the car next to me. MEGA DANG IT! so i put the car in park and jump out to inspect the damage. it really wasn't too bad but i was freaking out. to make matters worse, there was a whole group of baseball players from my school who saw the whole thing. they started yelling at me to run away and that they wouldn't tell. but i was like "NO! i'm not gonna be bad and run away from this" (they thought i was insane. they probably weren't far off) so i decided to figure out whose car it was and go talk to them.
so i go into mcdonalds and start looking around. the place is soo packed it's hard to move. the car i hit had my high schools soccer sticker on the back so i knew it was someone from my school. then i see this kid who's also in choir and plays soccer so i go up to him and ask what kind of car he drives. it was his. i told him what happened and he said it was fine because he had a bump on the other side anyways. that when i started bawling. i was just so stressed and relieved that i was sobbing in the middle of mcdonalds. so i ran out of there as fast as i could. funny thing was, i was smiling and laughing while i was crying. that must have been weird to see...
so our jazz choir went to a different mcdonalds and sang to the people there and then sang through the aisles of giant. by the end of the night, i was feeling much better!


  1. Oh man, I totally believed your first story. I am such a lollipop.

  2. Dang, I believed your first story, too. But I remember when I went to homecoming, I picked up my date and was backing out of her driveway when I hit her mailbox. I broke our back taillight and made her mailbox all crooked. That was embarrassing. At least I didn't cry.

  3. She now has added to your side of the car, Bryan. I think we'll just drive this old van until all the kids are on their own. The car just keeps getting more interesting, with bumps and bruises all up and down the sides.

  4. I believed your first story, but I had no idea who the little squash was. Were you talking about David? Isn't David bigger than you? Why is he a squash?
    McDonalds is a good place to look for people. That's where I like to go when I need to cry.

  5. HAHA! I believed your story too, but then I thought, dude, whatever biker would be on Belmont Ridge Road at 11 at night is an idiot!

    Too bad about the van. At least you have your mark on it now.

  6. Hey, I totally wrote a cool comment and then it didn't publish it! Dang that word verification! It always gets me. I seriously have to try 3 times just to get whatever fake word they put in there right.

  7. "Oh what a nigh! Late December back in '63..." Haha! I don't even know if those are the right words...
