Thursday, December 9, 2010

An apple a day...

So today in the Wilk (Wilkinson Center) there were stands of people everywhere handing out nice shiny apples to students and wishing them good luck on their exams. I do not enjoy confrontation so I snuck on by. But later I was sitting and enjoying my lunchable and watching Dave Barnes youtube videos when a man came up and offered me a delicious-looking apple saying "Here's an apple to eat with your lunch! Good luck on your exams!" so I smiled and said "Thank you!" and he left.
This is what I was expecting:

I happily bit into my apple and noticed a little brown spot but thought to myself "I will not be picky and I will enjoy this apple" so I bit into it again. And had to spit it out because this is what I saw:

So of course my next thought is "I wonder what this says about how my exams will turn out... dang it...


  1. haha! Oh shoot. Nope, not a sign at all.

  2. SICK SICK. I dare you to go to the trash can and eat it. I will give you $12.56 if you do.

  3. Okay, this is what I think....
    It's kind of like the saying that when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade.
    So when someone accidentally gives you an apple with a bad part, you can make something good out of it.
    Meaning that you are going to do awesomely wonderful on your exams.
    Especially if you study hard before. :) Love you.
    Oh, this is Mom. I'm too lazy to sign out and back in.

  4. 1. It's a good thing you explained what the Wilk was because otherwise I would have been so lost.
    2. Okay, okay, so I'm a brat.
    3. That apple is so gross and sad. Probably a bad omen. Or maybe it was just poisoned. If you threw it and it hit someone's helmet, do you think that person would have had a bald spot?

    Not a sermon. Just a thought.

  5. Hahaha! My favorite part is that you avoided them at first because you don't like confrontation. I hope your exams go so awesome!
