Friday, December 17, 2010

Why I couldn't concentrate while taking my test

Yesterday I took my American Heritage final exam.
BUT I didn't take it in the Testing Center because some tests they have in the Joseph Smith Building Auditorium. Awesome...
So I had to crawl over people and trip and whatnot just to get to an empty seat. And the desks are tiny. It was fantastic.
So I'm starting my test and I'm feeling alright about it. I'm in about 30 mins when I decide to take a mental break and glance around, stretch, and just chillax a bit. And I notice the guy in front of me. And on his neck there is a HUGE. BIG. JUICY. ZIT.
I almost gagged right there on the spot. Like people, this things was BIGGGGGG. And it looked ready to go.
To add to that image, the guy right next to me had really bad breathe and was coughing about every 20 seconds. So I was practically leaning on Megan sitting next to me (which she questioned me about later haha) just to protect my nose and stomach.
Now I wanted to put up a clip from "Osmosis Jones" of when Tom Hank's ginormous face zit explodes onto the lady's face but I couldn't find it. But just imagine it... :)


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. EWWWWWWWW! This post gave me really a really bad flashback. I think I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from this one time I was in a very similar situation and the guy popped the EWWWWWW! I feel so gross.

  2. Hahahaha. Bryan and I thought of that too, Anna. Anyway, you are both sick-o's.
