Friday, February 26, 2010

singing telegrams

so at our high school we have this thing called singing telegrams. it's when any group any size (but not too big) can get together and audition to go around and sing to people for valetines day. it's a great fundraiser idea!
so this year, a few of jazz choir people decided to get together and sing some songs. so we auditioned and made it! so we went around today and sang to people because valetines day was sunday and we had school off the whole next week. only a few people bought us cause they didn't know about us but it was super fun! we went around to our friends classrooms and sang to them even if they didn't buy us.
we also went to my little brothers classroom and i swear he is gonna beat me up when he comes back from school but i just couldn't resist singing love songs to him :)
this is our school commercial for us (that they never played!! another reason why nobody bought us) :
(and i know my hair is super goofy, it was having a bad day)


  1. Umm... the video didn't work for me. :(


    does this work?

  3. CUTE! And you look so sporty and cute! I gave it a rating of "I learned a lot" - because I did and it's kind of a random rating...
