Sunday, January 17, 2010

"abbrevs" and other lingo

from my last post it has become clear to me that many of you out there in this world may not be familiar with the "new and hip" lang that we 'kids' have these days. so it will be my privilege to update you all.

first, there is text language. meaning that you basically take out the vowels of a word to shorten it or take the first letters of a saying or sentence.
lol = laugh out loud
btw = by the way (also b.t.dubbs for fun)
brb = be right back
rofl = rolling on floor laughing
lylas = love ya like a sister
and many many others

second, there is a language called "abbrevs" meaning abbreviations. so basically you abbreviate every word you say.
the most common word used is "TOTES" as in totally.
some more examples are:
obvi = obviously
lang = language
and any other word in the english language that can be shortened. it's really quite fun.

annnnd don't worry, pictures will be coming up soon of my new hair!! :)


  1. Al-

    I ddn't knw sme f ths. Thnxs!

    ('m I dng t rght?)



  2. Thnx ali. ur th bom. tcoy. im swl. r u a snert?


  3. Haha! Bryan and Katie are so funny! I think my fav word is "natch" as in naturally, natch!
