so since there was no school on either monday or tuesday, the...district i guess, decided to have district choir auditions on tuesday the 4th. yep, election day. BY THE WAY, is anyone else bummed that Barack Hussein Obama won? oh well... our country's crazy anyways. ANYHOO, so on tuesday we had auditions for districts! fun funness.
the song we had to sing was called Come Again. a very interesting song. kind of from the oldenish days. but yeah, with the song i was feeling good, feeling prepared.
so on the busride there i was like "hey, i should read twilight since i brought it with me and i have nothing better to do!" so i did that. and ended up getting kind of 'bus' sick. which made me really tired and disoriented.
so i went into the audition room to audition and the people started the music so i started singing. and that was fine. not perfect, but whatever.
then we had to do sightreading. and they assigned me to number 3. so i flip to page number 3 and look at the sight-reading. my head started swimming. AND I THREW UP!!! jk, tricked you for a bit haha. but no, i just did terrible though.
see, when i usually do sightreading, i sing on lalala, but this time, i was like, hey, i should sing on solfege. you know: de re mi fa so la ti do.
well....that totally threw me off. like, i could see that the note went down or up, but i didn't think how far or anything. i was singing re's when it should have been like, do's or mi's. and i was singing la's when it should have been ti's. the hardest was the jump from la to re. boy it was rough. so i left and was like, darn, i'm not gonna get in.
oh well. i wasn't like crying or anything.
so i get home and i'm thinking about it and stuff and
then i realize that i've made all-county and all-district choir
every year since 6th stinkin grade!!! that's when the pressure started sinking in.
and then i woke up. hahahaaa. jk jk jk.
i ended up making it, which is a huge relief! but now there's all-state choir auditions in like, march or something. AHHH the pressures of a choir girl.
but it's fun and that's what i live for! singing and fun!

this is called solfege :)

this is me when i sing and people can't see me haha